If you are approved for an affordability exemption, then you can purchase a Catastrophic plan if offered in your area. The Catastrophic plans are generally reserved for people under age 30, but if you have an exemption, you can purchase one if you are over 30.

Generally, if you are eligible for tax credits or HealthFirst Colorado, you will not be eligible for an affordability exemption.

Affordability exemptions are available for people within certain income brackets but do not qualify for tax credits. They also are available for employees who’s employer sponsored insurance is too expensive to add their families.

Many agents are not familiar with the exemption process, but here at Seasons Insurance Agency, we know the process. We take the time to research exemptions, help you apply, and guide you through the complex eligibility process. Gaining an exemption is not considered a qualifying event to shop for insurance, so don’t delay. Contact us to learn more!